Contact Us

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Suite 102 3304 32 Ave
Vernon, BC V1T 2M6



Counselling Services: 

  • Anxiety, Phobias, OCD

  • Depression, Emotional Dysregulation

  • Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

  • Reproductive and Birthing Trauma

  • Substance Use

  • Stress Management

  • Anger Management, Conflict Resolution

  • Communication Skills

  • Body Image, Self-Identity, Self-Esteem

  • Trauma, EMDR

  • Individuals ages 8+

    The struggles listed above may cause intense physiological symptoms and substantially effect an individual's behaviours. This in turn can impact those around them. As time goes on the severity of symptoms may increase and become more intertwined and complex. The loved ones of an individual experiencing these symptoms may find themselves stressed out, and uncertain of how to help.

My focus is to help clients:

  • Explore and uncover dysfunctional coping patterns or behaviours that the body and mind have developed in order to manage internal or external distress

  • Assess and question the influence of dysfunctional coping patterns, ex. Self-harm, anger, OCD, substance use, negative self-talk, dietary patterns

  • Reduce emotional distress and physiological arousal while developing cognitive insights

  • Highlight internal and external resources, characteristics, skills and strengths that challenge and stand against the problem

  • Develop emotional-regulation skills

  • Enhance communication skills, so one is able to express themselves assertively and set healthy boundaries

  • Build new perspective on the changes one can make to better relationships

  • Resolve conflicts and reduce relationship/parental stress through emotion focused communication

  • Explore values and morals to embrace a positive and healthy self-identity